Mental Toughness Exercise for Life & Fitness: Positive Thinking 

“Positive Thinking”


Yeah yeah. We have heard about positive thinking over and over and over. How much good can it do?

Remember Mind-to-Muscle Connection to focus on while lifting? The quote I always post, “the body achieves what the mind believes?”. How swimming is 80% mental & 20% physical?

How come every aspect of our lives comes back to our minds, and not our physical bodies, and yet it is still shrugged off and tucked away in a “to-read” file.

The mind is vastly over looked when it comes to achieving goals and fitness. The vast majority of people you witness who start their own fitness journey will be achieving more goals they set for themselves, have better relationships, and have gained more self-confidence & self-esteem because of their fitness journey and the hard work they have put in by staying out late, waking up early, or training while on vacation and not mainly because of the “outside” progress they have made. Our bodies cannot make us wake up at 5am, our minds wake us up at 5am. Our bodies don’t tell us to run 3 miles before heading to the beach for a day filled with sun, friends, and sand. Our minds lace up our sneakers and head us out to a sunrise run. These are the people who will continue to grow inside and out.

So! Back to “Positive Thinking”. It seems as though every Monday there is always a “Series of Unfortunate Events”. ALWAYS without fail. EVERY Monday.

Last week I woke up late for the gym so my workout had to be cut short, then I was out running errands and forgot to pack a snack (hello hangry), and then I had to rush through my errands to finish them to be back home to relieve my husband of Wes so he could go to work. Whew. I was feeling stressed, getting a headache, and I was unhappy. If I just took two deep breaths and said to myself something like, “It’s ok, I can get a long workout in tomorrow” or “once this is over we can sit and watch TV during Wesley’s nap time” I could of turned my entire day around. I would of pushed myself harder during my workout in the morning AND I would of enjoyed my husband’s company when he arrived home after a long day.

I am going to practice this Mental Toughness Exercise, “Positive Thinking”, every day this week…

Stay tuned….And I will report back on how well the exercise worked for me this week! (August 1-7th)


Motivational Journey Part 2

“After The Crowd Leaves ….”

My last blog post was about my motivational journey from competing in one bodybuilding competition and trying to find my instrinic motivation to compete in a second show 3 weeks later. I never have backed down from a goal I set for myself whether it be a personal best time in swimming or completing a half marathon. It took a lot of self pride and reflection to say no to the second show. At first I felt guilty and disappointed in myself because I couldn’t find the intrinsic motivation to continue to the second show but sometimes saying no is just as a true test of strength as saying yes. The other areas in my life have become neglected, like an overgrown lawn, and I couldn’t be my best self with a manicured front lawn but an overgrown backyard 😉

Now I have an entire year stretching out in front of me and your probably thinking how will you stay focused?! Having a coach keeps me accountable, if I miss a workout I have to email my coach to change my entire chart. My charts to me feel like they are written in stone!  I never miss a workout or fall off my macro chart when I am working with my coach but my mental state needs a little break & relaxtion before I have to go back under a guided fitness and nutrition plan. Without someone keeping me accountable sometimes it does get easy to miss a workout especially when I am near the beach everyday.

Being in atheltics by the time I could walk instilled a deeply ingrained intrinsic motivation into the make-up of who I am, It has become a part of me, like my toes or hair. Even without a small goal insight or coach its hard to keep myself from not being active! But one of the other ways I help myself head to the gym easier is by keeping it interesting and fun. Every week is a different workout plan, change of reps or exercise, I complete a long run outside on the beach, and I see all my teammate’s at our coach’s boot camp class. Being in charge of my own fitness and nutrition plan will also help me be able to be independent and do it on my own. It also uncovers unhealthy habits that peak back up, over exercising, which allows me to really work on those habits and kick them back to the curb!


I look forward to part 3 coming this fall 🙂 

Conditioning Workout 

“At-Home Conditioning Workout”

150 Cardio Cals (run/bike/swim outside)
30 second rest interval (in-between each):
1 min Jump Rope

30 Goblet Squats

1 min Bentover Rows

45 Mountain Climbers

30 Dumbbell Deadlifts

1 min Side Lateral Raises

1 min Dumbbell Lunges

30 Straight Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts

1 min Dumbbell Military Press

18 Burpees

15 Tricep Push-ups

1 min Overhead Tricep Extension

30 Laying Leg Lifts

1 min Bicep Curls

1 min Jump Rope
Repeat 3x
150 Cardio Cals (run/bike/swim outside)




At-Home Conditioning Workout

100 Cardio Cals

10 second rest interval (in-between each):

15 Burpees

30 Front Raises

20 Pushups

15 Jump Squats

30 Standing Shoulder Press

20 Incline Push-ups

15 Jump Lunges

30 Goblet Squats

20 Burpees

30 Bent-over Rows

20 Side Lunges

15 Hammer Curls

30 Seated Russian Twists

20 Tricep Kick-backs

15 Bicep Curls
Repeat 3x

100 Cardio Cals

Feel NOT Look 

Mental Toughness Exercise for Fitness

When I ask clients and friends that message me for advice what their top fitness goal is their number one response is, “I want to lose weight”. It is such a vague, surface level answer that I always try to dive a little bit deeper and some of the responses I then receive are “I want to feel good wearing a bikini”. THERE! Emotions and feelings have finally come into play. If you change your fitness journey to be one where you want to feel more confident, be happier, and engage in social events you will not only succeed in obtaining your goal, but it will filter out into all areas of your life. That is what will carry you years down the road to making fitness a part of you, a habit, and something you will enjoy & love doing. I workout not to obtain leaner legs or a set of six pack abs. I workout because I come home energized to play with my toddler and devote time to my family. I leave the gym happier, rejuvenated, and ready to obtain my personal and professional goals.

For this week’s exercise I want you to wake up and even better you get out of bed I want you to think and visualize how you want to feel in the next couple of weeks and what would that look like.

If your goal was to lose 10 pounds or have abs, how would you reword your goal? 


Sunday Dinner Recipe 

Turkey Stuffed Peppers

Fail to plan, plan to fail….Meal prep this dinner tonight and stay on track all week! This recipe can give you 6 dinners for the week, all you have to do is reheat! 


Macros for 1/2 pepper:

3G fat, 19g carbs, 18g protein  


  • Heat oven to 400°F.
  • Lightly spray olive oil spray in a medium nonstick skillet and heat on a medium heat. Add 1/4 cup diced onion, 1 minced garlic clove (or 2 tbs jarred minced garlic), 1 tbs cilantro, and saute about 2 minutes.
  • Add to the skillet: 1 lb 99% lean ground turkey, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp cumin and cook meat until it is completely cooked through
  • Add to the skillet: 1/4 cup of tomato sauce and 1/2 cup of chicken broth, mix well and simmer on low for about 5 minutes.
  • Lastly add to the skillet: 1 1/2 cups brown rice
  • Cut 3 bell peppers in half lengthwise, and remove all seeds. Spoon 2/3 cup meat mixture into each pepper half and place in a 9 x 13-inch baking dish. Top each with 1 tbsp cheese. Pour another 1/2 cup of chicken broth on the bottom of the pan. Cover tight with aluminum foil and bake for about 45 minutes. Carefully remove the foil and serve right away.


Crockpot Recipe for 5 Dinners This Week! 

“Slow Cooker Balsamic-Ginger Chicken Lettuce Cups”

  • In a 5- to 6-qt slow cooker combine: 1/4 cupsugar, 1/4 cup vinegar, 1 tbs soy sauce, 1 tbs grated ginger, 2 cloves garlic (or 2 tbs minced garlic), and 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper (if you prefer more spice, use 1/2 tsp here).
  • Add to the crockpot 1 1/2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs and turn to coat. Cook, covered, until the chicken is cooked through and very tender, 6 to 7 hours on low or 3 to 4 hours on high.
  • Before serving heat in the microwave Minute Rice or Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice. Also cut away the peel and white pith of 1 orange & cut the orange into thin half-moons and place in a medium bowl. Fold in the scallions.
  • When the chicken is done cooking: using two forks, gently shred the chicken into medium pieces and stir into the cooking liquid. Fill the lettuce leaves with the rice and top with the chicken and the orange mixture.


Recipe found here:

Mental Toughness Exercise for Fitness: Stay in the Moment 

My client inspired today’s Monday’s Mental Toughness exercise! She has been struggling to keep her mental game strong in the middle of her runs; often her emotions overcoming her ability to keep running. Running has been one of her hardest cardio exercises to complete and her goal is to complete a 5k by the end of the summer.

Running, especially inside on a treadmill, can become boring and thus your focus is heightened on every step and every breath you take.

Try this next time you head out for a run:

Create a Spotify list of your ten favorite songs that pump you up and make you want to dance. Assuming each song is 2 mins long you will have 20 mins of HIIT cardio covered with great tunes. Once you begin running you will walk every other song, which will allow you to complete a 2 min HIIT run with 100% effort. The walk will allow your heart rate to slow down and while during the walk you repeat to yourself a positive mantra. Next time you go for a run only walk half the song, instead of the full song. Each run you lower your walk time until you are running for the entire HIIT cardio!

Let’s go out and RUN!

*picture is of me after I completed my FIRST half-marathon!
